Saturday, February 21, 2009

Most of us have been on a see-saw before and we know the principal of how something reacts when something else weighs more. Well, when I started this semester, the amount of work and uncertainty outweighed everything else. This was the “fat” kid sitting on the see-saw as it remained stationary on the ground while the small kid, the teaching aspect, was on the opposite end screaming to get down. I wondered how I was going to get all of the work done. After a while, I wondered how I was going to complete acceptable work. This weighed more than anything else. I was, and still am overwhelmed with the work and creating exciting lesson plans. Now, after teaching here for a few weeks, I have noticed important changes in the way I feel about teaching here. The increasing hellos from students in the hallways and the increased positive interaction with the students in the classroom are really having an effect on me. When I started student teaching I was nervous. Now, I am excited to be there in front of class. On Thursday, one student exclaimed I was his favorite teacher in school. How can this be? I have only been there for a few weeks. As I sat in class the rest of that day, I began to realize teaching is truly more of an honor than just a job. Teaching, now, is like the “fat” kid with all of its honor as it outweighs the incredible amount of important work screaming to get down and be completed. This is not only the most valuable feeling of the week, but I think this overwhelming feeling of being honored to teach will last throughout my teaching career.

I know this is going to sound redundant, but I would like to change and revise my lesson plans. Because preparing lessons in order to connect is so vitally important, I would like to go back and make them more exciting in order to give my students a "wow" moment. Yes, my lesson plans and my presentations of them have improved considerably since I started, but it seems only after I have finished presenting my lesson plans, I realize I could have made them better. As I look back, I could have enhanced each and everyone. Fortunately, I appear to be organized as I teach, but on paper my lessons and my presentations of them don’t always meet my objectives. Other times, the standards I choose have no reason for being part of my plan. This is the area I am going to concentrate on improving. I am going to concentrating on preparing accurate and exciting lessons.


  1. Rob, I agree with you about making an impact on the students. Many of them were so interested in a resume lesson that I taught this week, mostly because of my previous jobs. But I have learned and it seems like you are learning as well, that connecting with the students is very important. I also feel the same way as it is hard work, but it is a great feeling that we are on our ways to being great teachers. Keep up the hard work. We are almost half way!

  2. I think you see-saw analogy is great-I definitely have experienced some of the same feelings as you have. It's great you feel that teaching is worth all the work that goes into the job. It sounds like your Business Ed choice was the right one for you. Again, I agree with how you feel about lesson plans. For me, it's like I feel I have a good lesson planned for the day but then after it's over, I say to myself, "Duh Casie. Why didn't you think of that while you were planning?" At least you realize your lessons can improve and are figuring out ways to do so.

  3. Rob Cardone - Your posts are becoming one of my favorite posts to read each week because you are truly coming into your own! Your posts are funny but so to the point in a very visual way. I, too, enjoy your analogies, your ah-hah moments, and how eloquently you are connecting the dots. Bravo Mr. Cardone! I look forward to your future blog postings and your future revelations into what I feel is the most gratifying career in today's world. We, as teachers, truly can make or break an impact into the future of our students! The "making" is what makes us happy people as we drive home at the end of each day!
