Saturday, January 24, 2009

Week of January 19-23

My second week of student teaching was very eventful. Teaching became much easier after the first day and the students became more interested. The most important thing I learned this week is the importance of the plan. Without a detailed plan I reaized I would have not delivered a good lesson. I also realized changes sometimes have to be made not only to my plan but to my schedule.
When this week started I was ready. I knew I had nervousness to overcome and I did. I feel as if I had changed dramatically since last semester when delivering my lesson plan seemed difficult for me. Everything fell into place nicely. I knew the content, the plan and I was able to connect the content more confidently. I did this without the help of a co-op. Its is unfortunate for my co-op whom had health complications at the start of this week and with the exception of a substitute I was alone. I am happy to say that as I look back I feel the week of teaching was a success for both me and the students I taught for a breif week.
The next thing i realized is the class periods are very short. I remember giving my lesson plan to our class wondering how I am going to fill the forty minutes. But during this week of teaching I realized forty minutes is not a lot of time and every minute counts so I have to make my lessons count.
I really enjoyed the experience at Crestwood and I know the students did also because when I told them on Friday this was my last day, most of them said, "no way, why"? You just started and you are leaving us? Well that made my two weeks a success for me and I am sure that will help make my transfer to another school much easier.
Although I think the first week was much more successful than I thought it was going to be I would have changed some things. I would have tried to remember the student's names and use their names when calling on them. Instead I just pointed to one of them. I was more interested in the Bell Ringer and getting the class started. When I took role I did so using a seating chart. I was counting bodies and did not get to know them by name. As I transfer to Pine Grove I will remember to get to know their names.


  1. Sounds like you have had a very rewarding time at Crestwood. Getting to know the students name does make a difference. I reviewed the seating chart first, and than when I handed out my first papers on my first day of teaching I said their name before handing it to them so that I could put a face to the name.
    I hope things go well at your new placement.

  2. I totally agree with your statement about teaching lesson plans last semester-when we had to write lesson plans for class I thought the same thing of how in the world am I going to fill up that much time? In reality, the time flies by! I'm glad to hear you conquered being nervous with teaching, I think it's easier being in front of the students rather than your classmates while teaching a lesson. It's great you made such an impact in just two weeks with the students and I hope it goes just as well for you at Pine Grove!

  3. Having students asking you why you are leaving after only two weeks is huge....especially at the high school level. Pat yourself on the back Rob. That had to definitely be a confidence builder for you!

    Great job!
