Saturday, March 21, 2009

March 16-20 2009

This week has been another week of learning and re-learning for me. A lot of loose ends have been getting tied up for me this week. I have been observing my alternate co-op as she assigned the students an activity that really got them involved. It was a very simple activity, yet much planning was involved. In a sense, I viewed her as a magician as she was able to take two concepts and create the willingness of the students to want to learn and present the material from the textbook. Not only was I amazed at how efficiently the the students progressed in this activity, but I was able to view the direction of my lesson plans in that same way.

This simple activity from my alternate co-op has been the most valuable part of my week. She has proved to me lessons can be very simple yet extremely effective. I will take from this my willingness to constantly improve on my lessons as I strive to become the teaching magician she has already become.

Thursday, a student of mine started to loose his self-control toward the end of class. I noticed this and gave him a few warnings for being too loud but that only quieted him for a few minutes. As a result of his loud voice, he began to irritate another nearby student. I noticed this and intervened immediately. I thought I had ended his disruptions and the conflict between the two students, but I was wrong. Seconds before the bell rang, he blurted a few unacceptable words.
As I anticipated his continued disruptions, I was able to drown out his unacceptable utterances as I raised my voice in an unapproving tone. I quieted him instantly and next dismissed class. After the students were gone, I think I made a mistake. I should have asked him to remain after class so I could talk with him. I know, however, he would not voluntary stay with me because he has an IEP for violence and outbursts. His typical reaction in this situation would be to run to the pricipal's office and calm down there. If i was able to talk him into staying with me this point, I would have been able to remind him of the use of unacceptable words in my class and the consequences for using them. Instead, he exited the room remembering me raising my voice in disapproval. As I realized my mistake, I know I will ask him to stay after class so I can review classroom rules and their consequencs.


  1. I am glad that you had the opportunity to observe the other co op this past week. It sounds like she had a wonderful lesson and something that you could take with you.

    In regards to the student that was disruptive in your class, I have had to cover the classroom rules with a couple of my students. I know that it is hard when a student has a history of disrupting, but they two must be accountable for their actions.

    Have a good week!

  2. Even though you had the experience you did with the student, it was a learning experience. You realized what you should have done and how the outcome could have improved. I've had a few students stay after class or school to talk to them and for the most part, it seemed to help. The most important thing to remember is to be consistent and hopefully the student will improve for you. Enjoy your week!

  3. I would love to get more details on the magic act! Hopefully you can share it with all of us during our next class.
