Saturday, April 11, 2009

Week of April 6-10

I was in class two days this week but only taught Monday and half of Tuesday. The short week gave me experience of teaching students who were more interested in their vacation than school. On Tuesday, I was able to plan fun activities for the students. They continued to learn while having fun and did not realize they were learning. The most valuable part of the week came during a faculty meeting on Tuesday afternoon. The information in the meeting was people's right to know school information. The determination of public and private information has to be determined by the school before allowing this information to be viewed by members of the public. The meeting contained a lot of important information for new teachers as well as experienced teachers. The most important thing I took from the meeting was never write inappropriate emails that you would not want to have published in a local newspaper. Teachers are respected members of the community and their emails should be a reflection of their professionalism.

The short week gave me a much smaller window for mistakes. As I reflect on the day and a half of teaching last week, I don't remember a specific incident I would like to change. However, as I strive to become more organized, I still see room for improvement. Being a student teacher, I am still learning new things every passing week. As I learn, I am incorporating them into my teaching and the organizational methods I use have to be strengthened and more focused. A teacher's ability to produce good lessons and provide a rich learning environment begins with good organizational skills. This is the area I am going to always try to improve upon.


  1. I also strive to become more organized; this is something I am working on everyday. If you just keep working hard you will improve on everything. Keep improving on everything because that is what student teaching is for. Keep up the hard work as we come into the last couple weeks, good luck with everything.

  2. I am so glad that you included in your blog posting this valuable piece of advice from your faculty meeting:

    "Teachers are respected members of the community and their emails should be a reflection of their professionalism."

    This is something anyone can learn from and I thank you for including it for all of us to realize, recognize, and model.
